
Огнен Шешоски

д-р специјалист - ортопедија

          Дата на раѓање:  10.02.1980

          Државјанство:  Македонско

          Адреса :   Охрид, Македонија

          Телефон : +38946272700

          E-mail:  ognen80@hotmail.com

Образование :

1998/99 – 02.02.2005 -  Завршува Медицински факултет при универзитетот Св.Кирил и Методиј – Скопје , Р. Македонија 9.34/10.0

2006-29.11.2010 – Специјализација по ортопедија – Медицински факултет –Скопје , Универзитет Св.Кирил и Методиј- Скопје , Р.Македонија 

2019 – Докторски студии при Медицински факултет –Скопје , Универзитет Св.Кирил и Методиј- Скопје , Р.Македонија, клиничка медицина, ортопедија 

Работно искуство :

21.12.2015 - вработен во Специјална болница за ортопедија и трауматологија Св. Еразмо – Охрид

Јазични вештини:

Мајчин јазик: Македонски,

Друг(и) јазик(ци) : Англиски, Шпански

Сертификати :

•          August  2005   Attends one month training at the Traumatology department, University Hospital - Hospital de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain

•          30.09 – 04.10.2008     Attends AO Course - Principles of fracture management for surgeons  in Ljubljana, Slovenia

•          18.05 – 21.05.2009     Observership at the Institute for orthopedic surgery “ Banjica” – Belgrade, Serbia (department for Pediatric Orthopedics)

•          29.08 – 25.09.2009     Attends 4 weeks training as an AO Fellow in BG-Unfallklinik Ludwigshafen, Germany

•          04.10 – 11.10.2009     Takes participation in EFORT Traveling Fellowship in Italy (Bologna, Verona)

•          20.06 – 26.06.2010     Attends OMI Bone and Joint Surgery Seminar in Salzburg, Austria

•          26.05 – 28.05.2011     Attends 4th school for osteoporosis in Ohrid, Macedonia and gains ISCD certificate for Bone Densitometry Course

•          13.06 – 15.06.2012     Attends Instructional course for primary and revision TKA, LKH Schtolzalpe, Murau, Austria

•          18.02 – 24.02.2013     Attends OMI Bone and Joint Surgery Seminar in Salzburg, Austria

•          25.02 – 28.02.2013     Attends Instructional course for Children hip sonography, LKH Schtolzalpe, Murau, Austria

•          30.09 – 10.11.2014     Attends 6 weeks Academic Visitor Observership program in Hospital for Special Surgery, NY, USA

•          01.12 – 20.12.2014     As AAF fellow attends 3 weeks observership in University Clinic for Orthopedics, Salzburg, Austria

•          03.11 – 06.11.2015     Attends Acute Trauma Care Course and Advanced Trauma Course within Macedonia – US physician project workshops, Skopje, Macedonia

•          02.12 – 04.12.2016     Attends Masterclass in Hip revision Arthroplasty in Thessaloniki, Greece

•          19.05 – 20.05.2017     Attends Basic Arthroscopy Course within 8th Balkan Congress of arthroscopy, sports traumatology and knee surgery, Struga, Macedonia

•          22.06 – 23.06.2017     Attends Masterclass in Dificult primary and revision knee arthroplasty in LKH Schtolzalpe, Murau, Austria

•          07.09 – 08.09.2017     Attends Masterclass in shoulder arthroscopy, Beirut, Lebanon

•          22.11.2018      Attends Zimmer Biomet Institute Bioskils practical cadaveric workshop for shoulder arthroscopy – Rotterdam, Netherlands

•          26.11 - 30.11.2018      Observership in department for sports injuries in Marienkrankenhaus, Kaiserswerth, Germany

•          03.03 - 22.03.2019      An AAF scholarship grant for observership in Clinic for Orthopedics in University Clinic for, AKH, Vienna , Austria

•          04.04 - 06.04.2019      Attends AO trauma Masterclass - Upper Extremity in Opatija, Croatia

•          12.04 – 13.04.2019     Attends 16th International arthroscopic course with cadaveric workshop in Ljubljana, Slovenia

•          27.02 – 03.05.2022     Attends Bone and Joint Seminar in Salzburg, Austria

•          15.09 – 30.09.2022     Observership in department for sport injuries in Orthopedic hospital Valdotra , Ankaran , Slovenia

•          06.02 – 10.02.2024     Attends 6th Athens Shoulder Course in Athens, Greece

•          03.08 – 09.08.2004     Member of the Organizational Committee of the General Assembly of the IFMSA (International Federation of the Medical Students Associations), Ohrid

•          October 2007  Takes part of the second Albanian Orthopedic Congress with international participation

•          17.10 - 21.10.2007      Takes part of the tenth Bulgarian Orthopedic Congress with international participation as a coauthor of two poster presentations

•          25.09 – 26.09.2008     Takes part of the first Serbian Orthopedic Congress with international participation as a coauthor of both poster and oral presentations

•          14.05 – 15.05.2009     Takes part of the third Macedonian Orthopedic congress with international participation as an author of poster presentation

•          07.05 – 08.05.2010     Takes participation in “Revision aloarthroplasty of the hip joint” symposia in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina

•          29.09 – 01.10.2011     Attends 2nd Balkan congress for arthroscopy, sport traumatology and knee surgery, Ohrid, Macedonia

•          25.11 – 26.11.2011     Takes part in Spine expert group meeting in Skopje , Macedonia as a coauthor of presentations

•          15.11.2013      Takes part of 20 years of MAOT Symposium with oral presentation

•          14.05 – 17.05.2015     Takes part in 12th European Sports Orthopedic Symposium in Estepona, Spain

•          18.05 – 20.05.2017     Takes part in 8th Balkan Congress of arthroscopy, sports traumatology and knee surgery, Struga, Macedonia

•          26.04 – 29.04.2018     Takes part in 4th MAOT Congress with oral presentations, Ohrid, Macedonia

•          12.05 – 14.05.2022     Takes part in 3rd Bosnian Orthopedic and Traumatology Congress with international participation, Jahorina, Bosnia and Hercegovina

•          18-21.05.2023 Takes part in Shoulder arthroscopy to arthroplasty Simposium in Orthopedic Hospital Valdoltra, Ankaran, Slovenia

•          24 – 26.05.2023          Takes part in EFFORT 24th annual congress in Vienna, Austria

•          22 – 24.05.2024          Takes part in EFFORT 25th annual congress in Hamburg, Germany as author of two presentations


Correlation Between Preoperative Radiological Knee Alignment And Early Postoperative Functional Knee Score: A Prospective Cohort Study On Total Knee Replacement Patients, Sheshoski Ognen et al. 25th Annual EFFORT Congress, Hamburg, Germany

Ilizarov Method For Neglected Rigid Clubfoot Deformity, Sheshoski Ognen et al. 25th Annual EFFORT Congress, Hamburg, Germany

Comparison of the Values of EFT (External Fixation Time) in the tyreatment of lower leg open fractures and non unions with the method of compression- distraction osteosynthesis by Ilizarov. Sheshoski Ognen et al. Journal of Morphological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 46-55, dec. 2023. ISSN 2545-4706.

Compression – distraction osteogenesis with Ilizarov apparatus in the treatment of tibial non-unions with bone defects - Sheshoski, Ognen et al. Journal of Morphological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 76-85, july 2021.

Spontaneous resolution of sciatica in lumbar disc extrusions – Micunovic, Micun, et al.. Journal of Morphological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. 79-92, dec. 2020.

Segmental bone transport in 64 years old patient with infected pseudoarthrosis od lower leg - O.Sheshoski, J. Smicheski, A. Stevoski; 4th congress of MAOT with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 04.2018

Treatment of pseudoarthrosis with bizarre varus-recurvatum deformation of lower leg with Ilizarov method in 63 years old patient - O.Sheshoski, J. Smicheski, A. Stevoski; 4th congress of MAOT with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 04.2018

Ankle arthrodhesis using Ilizarov method (our experience) - O.Sheshoski, J. Smicheski, A. Stevoski; 4th congress of MAOT with international participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 04.2018

High resolution ultrasound in acute meniscal tear diagnosis – S. P.Ivanoski, O. Sesoski, V. Vasilevska Nikodinovska; 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR), Bari, Italy, 06.2017

60 years of PHO ”St. Erazmo” – Ohrid, achievements and challenges , O. Sesoski; 20 years of Macedonian association of orthopedics and traumatology symposium in Skopje, Macedonia, 11.2013 

Our experience of surgical treatment of neck discus hernia and neck trauma with cervical cage and anterior cervical plate system, M. Milosevski, M. Sokarovski, Z. Bitrakovski, O. Sesoski; Spine expert group meeting in Skopje , Macedonia; 25 - 26.11.2011

Idiopathic scoliosis – posterior approach and USSII instrumentation, V.Strezoski, T.  Vraniskoski, O. Sesoski; Spine expert group meeting in Skopje , Macedonia; 25 - 26.11.2011

Premature consolidation as a complication during the limb lengthening process using the Ilizarov techniques – case report; O. Sesoski, J. Smicevski; 3rd Macedonian Orthopedic congress, 14 – 15.05.2009

Членства во здруженија :         

ЛК – Лекарска комора на РСМ